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Sun Life Financial

Web Programmer

November 17 2014 to October 2015

  • Maintaining and fixing existing web applications of the company such as Finance Adjustment Automation (FAA), AXA Non-disclosure of ER Balance on Web, Occupational Retirement Scheme Ordinance (ORSO), SLF Mandatory Provident Fund, FWD Schroder SCH ORSO, Best Serve
  • MPF Schemas: AXA, FWD, SCB, SCH, SHK and SL.
  • Documentation (URS, FRS, DLD, UTC).
  • Advanced Information Security Centre (AISC)
    • Secure the website from any hack like SQL Injection, Click Jacking, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Insufficient Security/Authentication, and Information Disclosure.
  • Experience with Virtual Team (Chinese Team in Hongkong).